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Showing posts from October, 2016

How does Swisscoin work?

Cryptocurrencies work on the principle of mining the units of cryptocurrency which are known as coins at a particular rate measured with a unit of physical currency (e.g. Dollars, Pounds, Euros, Naira, etc…).

YOcoin More Developments Coming!

Clearing Up the Questions and Concerns... We have had a lot of questions over the past month and rightfully so. As with any new company that grows 10x faster than ever expected, there will always be growing pains as we have all witnessed but this shouldn’t be of concern but more so of a learning curve.

Coinomia is an opportunity that provides the user a platform to mine bitcoins

Coinomia  is an application for mining in cryptocurrencies with any of the available gadgets, a user have. Designed to cater both new miners and power users, Coinomia requires no configuration at any device. The power allotment can be managed from anywhere and can be distributed among various cryptocurrencies.