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AdsCash - How it Works? How to get 100 AdsCash Free?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Adscash Foundation"Adscash Foundation is a Non Profit entity for maintaining and improving the AdsCash protocol.
AdsCash cryptocurrency is mined on the same platform where Ethereum is mined.

It is a programmable blockchain in which smart contract can be made and implemented.
Ethereum node runs the EVM in order to maintain consensus across the blockchain. 
The blockchain transfers value and information between accounts. 
Users must pay small transaction fees to the network.
These “miners” are nodes in the network that receive, propagate, verify, and execute transactions and group them in a “blocks”, and miners then compete with one another for their block to be the next one to be added to the blockchain.

Miners are rewarded with ether for each successful block they mine. 
 Every 12 seconds, on average, a new block is added to the blockchain with the latest transactions processed by the network.
Adscash uses Dagger-Hashimoto hashing algorithm using Proof Of Work.
Reward for mining will become half in every 0.25 years that is 3 months.
Estimated Total Adscash coin that will be mined is 168150937.5 coins in span of 3 years.3 million coins are premined and reserved for Adscash Foundation.  

How to get 100 AdsCash Free?

You Can Join For FREE And Get 100 Coins Complimentary Which Is Almost Equal To Holding $1000 In The Bank In The Next 12 Months..

Plus You Can Make Massive Commissions ( As Much As $1000-$10,000 A Day ) By Building Teams For Free Using Done For You Sales Funnels In This Viral Prelaunch Atmosphere !

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