Even though the Crypto-Coin is immediately tradable.
It is also revolutionized by a social media platform with a recommendation network worldwide and an amazing compensation plan.
We will reach the million-user limit in a very short time. The price development is always easy to speculate, but the great thing is that a large part of the income flows IMMEDIATELY into real investments (precious metals, company shares, etc.), thus guaranteeing the intrinsic value.
It's all about a solid crypto-coin!
The highlight, it is no future music, it will start in May.
For many Coin providers usually the Crypto-Coin must be created first! This is a process in which you have to get your tokens through a mining process (coin rights) . This takes a few months until this process is done and you will recive your ready Crypto-Coin ! This time increases more and more according to the difficulty level! After the creation of the crypto-coins you usually have a blocking period!
During this time the crypto-coin is not tradable! With our new crypto-coin there will be no such lengthy processes for the members!
The technology behind the Hybrid Blockchain is so far unique! We have a mix of Proof of Stake (POS) and Proof of Work (POW)!
There will be no token, no blocking periods for the members! So a crypto-Coin, which stands out from other Coin vendors clearly!
It is a 100% liquid crypto-coin! A GUARANTEED repurchase of the crypto coins by the company itself ! The course of the crypto-coin is supported by constantly increasing investments (starter packages), the ever increasing investment of the company in precious metals and investment in company shares.

At the start, the course is at € 0.10 / Crypto-Coin and will probably be € 1 or more by the end of the year. A profit for investors is to be expected!
- Immediately from the start: We are listed on 2 stock exchanges for cryptic currencies and immediately tradable!
- Lucrativ unilevel plan up to the 11 level (unilevel plan follows)
- Purchase of the crypto-coins via starter packages (5 € - 10000 €) There are 7 different starter packages. The prices of the starter packages are 5 €, 50 €, 250 €, 500 €, 1000 €, 5000 € and 10000 €!
Content of the Starter Packages:
High-quality Business Academy
Crowdfounding / Likes : Community votes about projects.
Advertising points
- After purchase IMMEDIATELY the Crypto-Coins will be transfered into your personal SECURITY (Patented) E-Wallet (No Tokens)
- No tokens / splits / difficulty levels or blocking periods for members! PROTECTION / Support of the crypto-coin by precious metals and participations
- FIRST Crypto-Coin with a Real Material Value! Course to start: 1 crypto-coin = 10 cents
By purchasing a starter package for 1000 €, you get IMMEDIATELY 10000 crypto coins in the e-Wallet credited! 10000 Crypto-Coins times 10 Cent = 1000 € In the starter package for 250 € 2500 Crypto-Coins are immediately credited in the E-wallet! 2500 crypto-coins times 10 cent = 250 € If the price increases, of course, crypto-coins are included in the starter packages!
Our goals:
1. Numbers of users:
By the year 2020 about 5 million users
2. Course expectation:
Until 31.12.2017 - 1 € or more per Crypto-Coin
Until 31.12.2018 - 10 € or more per Crypto-Coin
Up to 2022-2027 - 100 € to 200 € or more per crypto-coin
Distribution of the paid sum of starter packages:
- 40% commission (including bonus) Payout 70/30
- Maximum 35% distributed on 11 levels
- 5% for Rankbonus
- 40% investment in VALUES (Coin support)
- 20% in precious metals
- 20% in holdings (Startup`s etc.)
- Latest technology: Hybrid Blockchain
- Circulation: 500,000,000 million coins
- Proof of Work - Proof of Stake
- Security: 100% DZNT
- Speed: 75t cp / s (10 times higher as bitcoin)
- Anonymity: 100%