Onegram, a Sharia-compliant cryptocurrency backed by gold is seeking $500 million with its crowdsale of 12 million OGC tokens which launched as Ramadan began on Friday.

Islamic Sharia-compliant finance excludes any gambling related activities and forbids any borrowing on investors’ money. It has been gaining recognition beyond nations with an Islamic majority, with one London-based FinTech startup becoming the first Islamic financial firm to see regulatory approval this year.
Developed during a six-month period, OneGram claims to offer a proof-of-stake blockchain that is ‘’further anonymized’ than Bitcoin with developers employing zero-knowledge dual-key stealth addresses and ring signature protocols toward ‘instant, untraceable, unlinkable, trustless transactions.’
With its crowdsale, OneGram hopes to raise $500 million for over 12 million OGC tokens. Investors are mandatorily required to create an account on ‘GoldGuard’ to purchase gold at live spot rates.

Ibrahim Mohammed, OneGram CEO revealed early support for the crowdsale from the cryptocurrency and Islamic finance communities since its launch over the weekend.
He added:
More than 1,000 people have registered for GoldGuard accounts to participate, and the number is growing each day as we prepare to launch our crowdsale in alignment with Ramadan.
The purchase will also pay toward a number of development costs including business dev (5%), salaries (2%), operational and marketing costs at 1.5% each. A total of 10 in OneGram fees. When the cryptocurrency is deployed on the blockchain, the transaction fee – by design- kicks in. 70% of transaction fees are reinvested to buy more gold for the cryptocurrency-backing vault. 25% of the transaction fee is used toward development and operations while the remaining 5% is split between rewards for POS miners and charity donations.